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Awakened Page 8
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Page 8
“Rachel, come back here this minute,” her dad said sternly. “I must talk to you about this. You have to tell me what happened to you tonight. You are not acting right.”
Rachel stomped around and then started crying again, “I’m not right. Something is definitely wrong. And maybe it’s because I don’t remember anything. Maybe that’s it? Ya think?” she said, in a snotty voice.
“Don’t get fresh with me, young lady. I’m only trying to help you out,” her dad said.
“Well, it’s not working. I can’t be helped. Nobody can help me!” Rachel said. “I’m way beyond that point now.”
“Don’t say that, Rachel. We will get you help. You will see Dr. Goldman first thing in the morning. I will call him now and get you an appointment,” her dad said.
“I don’t want to see a shrink! I don’t need a shrink!” Rachel yelled, stomping up to her room.
“You are going! It’s not up for debate!” her dad yelled up after her.
“NO!” Rachel shouted down.
“Yes you are. If I have to drag you there with my two hands I will,” her dad said.
Rachel then slammed the door to her bedroom and cried herself to sleep.
When she woke up the next morning, she saw a man dressed in a tweed suit sitting next to her bed on a stool. He had dark brown hair, glasses and a very long chin. His none was pointed and he had a short beard. Feeling scared, Rachel let out a yell and pulled the covers over her head.
“Who are you?” Rachel asked.
“I’m Dr. Goldman,” he said. “I’m here to talk to you today about what’s been going on. Your father called me late last night saying it was an emergency so I figured I’d come to the house today to see you.”
“Well you can leave now. There’s nothing to discuss,” Rachel said, from under her covers.
“I’m not leaving you, Rachel. I want to help you get through this hard time. Please tell me when this all started?” Dr. Goldman asked.
“When what all started?” Rachel asked, peeking her head out from under the covers.
“When you began to feel the way you are feeling. Was it a few days, a few weeks, longer?” he asked.
Rachel wished she knew the answer. Part of her felt grateful that her dad cared enough to bring in Dr. Goldman, but the other part of her knew he wouldn’t help her at all. The only person who could help her is her grandmother and she had to find her first. Dr. Goldman was going to be a waste of her time, but for her dad’s sake, she figured she’d go through the motions with the guy and see how far they get.
“Well, I’ve only been back a few days. So a few days I guess. That’s really all I can remember,” Rachel said.
“You’ve only been back a few days?” Dr. Goldman asked. “Where have you been, my dear?”
“Well, that’s the problem. I can’t remember where I’ve been,” she said.
“You can’t remember? Well, is there anything you do remember? Let’s start with that,” Dr. Goldman prodded.
“Well, all my friends are telling me about the move and the guys I liked, and the friends I made up there, but I can’t remember a think about it. Not one thing!” Rachel added. “Not to mention my friends here hate me now. I totally messed that up. Everything is going wrong for me.”
Rachel was surprised at how much she was opening up to this complete stranger. She then began to cry.
“Why are you crying? What are you feeling?” Dr. Goldman asked sympathetically.
“I don’t know why I’m crying. I can’t remember. I wish I knew what happened to me Doctor. I have no recollection of anything that has happened the past two years. It’s like it’s been erased from my memory or something,” Rachel sobbed. “And now, I don’t even feel like myself.”
“Describe what you mean when you say you don’t feel like yourself,” Dr. Goldman asked.
Rachel couldn’t help but feel like she were in a movie. She replayed shrink scenes over and over in her head, and this was exactly the same.
“Well, I don’t really want to talk about it. You wouldn’t understand,” Rachel said.
“You’d be surprised at just how much I understand,” Dr. Goldman reassured her. “You can tell me anything.”
“Well, I just have been feeling some strange urges, which I can’t explain,” she started.
“What sort of urges?”
Rachel didn’t know if she should tell him about last night. About Brian and what happened at the café. She didn’t know if he’d understand and she didn’t want him to think she was crazy. But then again, he was a shrink; he sees a lot of crazies.
“Last night for example, I was out with the guy I really like, Brian, and then all of a sudden I had the urge to taste him,” Rachel said.
“Describe taste him,” Dr. Goldman asked with a confused look on his face.
Rachel knew she couldn’t turn back now. She had to explain what she was talking about.
“To taste his flesh and blood. I don’t know what that is supposed to mean. It’s like I’m a cannibal or something,” Rachel sighed.
“This is a little confusing, can you please explain it some more?” Dr. Goldman asked.
“Well, he came close to me to kiss me, but all I could do was stare at his skin, at his neck, at his flesh and wonder what it would taste like. Is that normal? Has that happened to you?” Rachel asked hoping for some clarity.
“It has not happened to me before,” Dr. Goldman said.
“I don’t know. Forget I said anything, I’m sure it was nothing,” Rachel said.
“You should not feel ashamed to tell me these things, Rachel. That is why I am here. To help you,” Dr. Goldman said.
“But doc, I had to leave the café. I couldn’t sit there for one more second or else I would have acted on it. I could feel my body shaking and my mouth watering, it was nuts,” Rachel added.
“Is there anything else?” Dr. Goldman asked.
“Hmm…my mom. I don’t know what happened to her. Everyone say’s it’s my fault. I know you saw her before her coma, and I need to know if I did anything wrong,” she said.
“Under confidentiality, I cannot discuss anyone else in our sessions. So, unfortunately, I cannot confirm nor deny these things for you. What I can tell you is that it seems you are suffering from a traumatic experience. Something we will need to uncover more,” Dr. Goldman said with a concerned look on his face.
“Will I be ok?” Rachel asked, worried.
“Everything in time, Rachel. We will work on your amnesia first, and then sort out the rest of this.”
“But I’m not finished yet. I have other things that have happened to me that are scary. I had a strange episode at school the other day. I started sweating, my heart was racing, I was supremely hungry and I was out of breath. I had to run outside and then once I did, I felt better. I think it was the cold air on my face that helped,” Rachel said.
“That sounds like a panic attack to me. Those are the classic tell tale signs of one,” Dr. Goldman confirmed.
“I don’t know, Dr. Goldman. It’s scary when it happens and it’s been happening a lot. It’s like I don’t know who I am anymore,” Rachel said. “I wish someone could help me!”
“Rachel, are you feeling tired?” Dr. Goldman asked calmly.
“A little, I guess. I mean this whole thing is exhausting,” she said.
“Perhaps you should get some rest,” Dr. Goldman insisted. “I’m going to leave and we will see each other soon. I promise.”
“Ok, thank you,” Rachel said, as she slunk back into her bed and pulled up the covers. She didn’t realize just how exhausted she was until she lay there a few minutes examining her weak body. She had a headache, her muscles hurt and she felt weak. It was definitely a feeling she hadn’t felt before. It was a weakness she couldn’t describe.
Even thought Mark wasn’t quite feeling himself, he still wanted to take his girlfriend to the movies tonight. It was only their fourth date, and he was
really into her. He wouldn’t want to disappoint her and call her to cancel last minute. He didn’t know if he was coming down with something or just tired, but something wasn’t feeling right to him. He thought maybe it could be the beginning stages of the flu, since it was rampant in his grade right now, but his symptoms weren’t matching up exactly. In fact, his symptoms didn’t match any illness he’d ever experienced before. He felt unsure about what was happening inside his body and knew it wasn’t normal. He figured that since the movie was only a few hours long, he’d just suck it up and deal with it later. He knew his sickness wouldn’t come on that quickly, so he decided to forge ahead and keep his date night with his new girlfriend, Gina.
He was also excited because tonight was the first night that he was allowed to use his parent’s car. He had just got his license and was proud of himself for passing his road test. He was actually a bit surprised that the lady who administered his road test passed him as he distinctly remembers stopping at a green light to be extra cautious and brushing the curb during his parallel parking. He had heard rumors about the road test and was fearing the worse, but he was pleasantly surprised that it was not as bad as everyone had made it out to be. It was either that, or the woman who tested him was in a good mood that day. Either way, he was thrilled to be out on his own, in the car picking up Gina for the first time. He felt empowered and independent. Last time he went out with Gina, her mom dropped them off at the diner in town for dinner. That made him feel like a little kid and he was embarrassed by it.
He felt so cool as he put his right turn signal on and drove into her driveway. He put the car in park, shut off the engine and got out to pick her up at the door like a gentleman. He knew she came from an old school Italian family and they would appreciate his chivalry. He wouldn’t dare pull into the driveway and honk for her.
He rang the doorbell in anticipation and waited for someone to open the door. Her dad opened the door and greeted him, with a weary smile. Mark knew he was a bit skeptical of him, and he felt inadequate whenever he was around him. He felt the way he assumes most guys feel when they are around their girlfriend’s father, terrified! He felt like he would never be good enough for his Gina and that he could never live up to his standards, no matter what he did. But putting that aside, he liked the guy and feared him all at the same time.
“Gina’s not ready yet,” he said in a stern voice. “Wait down here.”
He pointed to a large living room area with floral print couches. “Take a seat and I’ll go get her.”
“Thanks, Mr. Doony!” Mark said. “I’ll be right here. Thanks so much.”
“Gina! Gina! Your friend is here to see you,” Mr. Doony yelled up the stairs.
He didn’t know why Mr. Doony kept referring to him as her friend, but he figured he probably should correct him. He didn’t want to get on his bad side or rub him the wrong way.
“Be down in a minute, Daddy!” Gina yelled down.
Mark could hear the humming of her blow dryer from all the way in the living room and figured she was still getting ready. He know from experience with his sisters that when they’re going out on a date or with friends it took them forever to pick out their outfits, make up and hair. It was such a silly production and he didn’t know why girls go through all the trouble. He actually preferred Gina without makeup. He thought she had a natural beauty and glow to her that was masked when she put on all her eye make up.
A few minutes later, Gina came down the steps looking gorgeous. He’d never seen her looking so good before and couldn’t figure out what was different about her. He immediately stood up to greet her and then saw her father coming in to the foyer area to see them off.
“Gina princess. You call if you need anything, you hear?” her dad said. “I want you home by 9:30 not a minute later.”
Mr. Doony shot Mark a look as if to tell him no funny business and then followed it with an eerie smile. Mark didn’t quite know what to make of those gestures, but he figured he’d better not pull any funny business and get her home right on time or early if he wanted to stay on her dad’s good side.
“You know I will, Daddy! See you later,” Gina said to him with a smile and then gave him a big hug and kiss on the cheek.
“Mark,” Mr. Doony said, “Can I have a quick word with you?”
“Yes Sir,” Mark said, walking into the other room with her dad.
“You take care of my little girl, you hear?” Mr. Doony said. “I don’t want her home one minute past her curfew and you better drive safely in that vehicle of yours,” he said, as he peered out through the window at his old station wagon.
“Absolutely, will do!” Mark said, smiling, yet nervous. “You have nothing to worry about.”
“I should hope not young man. Now you two have a nice time at the movies, and we will see you shortly,” Mr. Doony finished.
“Ok! Bye, Daddy!” Gina said as the two of them left her house.
“So, you ready for a fun night?” Mark said, trying to sound excited.
“You bet!” Gina said. “Can’t wait to see this movie. I hear it’s supposed to be amazing.”
“Yeah, me, too!” Mark replied.
“So, what’s new cutie,” Gina said, looking over at Mark.
“Oh ya know, nothing much,” Mark said.
“Well, I heard your sister came back. You must be happy about that?” Gina asked.
“Sure!” Mark said.
“Well, you’re a man of many words tonight, aren’t you?” Gina said, jokingly.
“Sorry, Hun. I’m not feeling so well,” Mark said.
“Want to go home?” Gina asked.
“Um, not really,” Mark answered. Although that was about the only thing he wanted to do right now.
“Seriously, if you want to go home, I understand. You don’t have to worry about me,” Gina said.
“It’s not that I want to go home necessarily. I’m just not sure I can sit out for an entire move,” Mark said, feeling queasy at the thought of it.
“I have an idea,” Gina said. “Why don’t we just go back to your house and watch a movie there? At least that way, you will be comfortable in your own home.”
Mark actually liked that idea. He didn’t want to disappoint her though and make her stay in with him because he wasn’t feeling well.
“If you want, I can drop you at the movies and you can meet your friends there? I don’t want to hold you back, babe,” Mark said. “Really, or, I can bring you home. You don’t have to come over and take care of me.”
“Don’t be silly, I want to be with you. I want to take care of you. Please let me,” Gina begged.
Mark felt so lucky to have such a sweet girl in his life. He didn’t know what he did to deserve a great girl like her, but he didn’t want to risk losing her.
“Ok, then you can come over. It will be fun, I promise. We can make popcorn and watch whatever movie you want,” Mark said.
The two were stopped at the stoplight in town and Mark looked over at Gina. HE couldn’t help but notice how delicious she smelled. She wondered if perhaps she’d gotten a new perfume, but felt silly asking her that. Guys aren’t supposed to notice those things and he didn’t want to come off as weird to her.
“You smell nice,” Mark said, trying to hold back his excitement.
“Oh, really?” Gina said, sounding a bit confused. “Thanks!”
“Sure!” Mark said, feeling a bit silly for saying anything at all.
The scent of her body infused the car and he could barely control himself. He didn’t know if it were his hormones raging or if it was something else. Either way, it made him feel hungry. He felt a huge hunger pain that made his stomach make a loud, grumbling noise.
“You hungry?” Gina asked, looking over at Mark’s stomach.
“Oh, yeah! Guess so!” Mark answered.
“Should we pick up some dinner?” Gina said.
“I just had dinner,” Mark said. “Not so sure why my stomach is acting up.”
r /> “Did you have enough to eat?” Gina asked.
“Yeah, I did. I think, anyway,” Mark replied.
The light turned green and he floored the car trying to get his mind off of Gina’s scent, but he couldn’t. He put the windows down thinking it might help but that didn’t help either.
“Mark, are you ok?” Gina asked.
“Why?” Mark asked.
“It’s freezing out!” Gina replied. “What are you doing?”
“I’m sweating, I’m not sure what’s happening!” Mark said, getting all hyped up.
Gina leaned over and put her hand on Mark’s neck and then put her hand on his forehead. Mark couldn’t help but to put his tongue out and take a small lick of her skin as she moved her hand up to his forehead. She didn’t even notice he did so.
“You feel cold,” Gina said. “Are you sure you’re feeling hot?”
“Stop questioning me!” Mark yelled. “I know how I’m feeling.”
“Geez, no need to get upset, Mark. I was just trying to help.”
“Well you’re not helping me! You’re making it worse,” Mark snapped.
He couldn’t believe what was happening and he couldn’t believe this temper that was coming out of him. It was completely out of character for him, and he didn’t know what to do about it. He couldn’t control himself despite how much he tried.
“Who are you?” Gina said. “I feel like I don’t even know you.”
“I don’t know myself right now,” Mark said, as he pulled up to another red light on the outskirts of town. He looked around and realized he was the only car on the road. It was a desolate part of town, and he knew this was his opportunity. He knew he had to seize on his feeling and on his cravings for Gina. He hated to do this to her, but at the same time, he knew he had to. He knew the only way to find out what was really going on was to give in and taste her. To taste her blood and flesh.
“Gina, I’m sorry,” Mark said, as he turned to her and unbuckled his seat belt.